Radio Spectrum Processor – 14-bit SDR
The RSP1B is an enhanced version of the RSP1A — it is a powerful wideband full featured 14 bit SDR and perfect as an all round general coverage communications receiver plus much much more. The key advantages over the RSP1A are that it comes in strong black painted steel case instead of plastic, and (compared to the RSP1A) has significantly improved noise performance below 1MHz (i.e for LF and below), and in the 50-60 MHz region. There are also noticeable noise improvements in the 3.5-5.5MHz and 250-320MHz spectrum. It also has it has improved signal handling at HF frequencies compared to the RSP1A.
The RSP1B covers the complete radio spectrum from 1kHz (VLF) to 2GHz (Microwaves) with up to a massive 10MHz visible bandwidth and the companion SDRuno software has all the popular ham bands and shortwave broadcast bands as “presets” for instant set-up.
To check compatibility with your choice of computer hardware, operating system and SDR application software, go to
INCLUDES unlimited copies of SDRuno (Windows) and SDRconnect (Windows, MacOS, Linux/Raspberry Pi) software. Windows users, please note that right now, due to recent Microsoft kernel driver signing rule changes, the RSP1B will only work with Windows 10 and later. SDRplay are investigating this issue.
Key Features & Benefits
- New, enhanced version of the RSP1A in a rugged black painted steel case
- Improved noise performance below 1MHz and in the 3.5-5.5MHz, 50-60 MHz and 250-320MHz ranges
- Improved signal handling at HF frequencies.
- Covers all frequencies from 1kHz through VLF, LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and L-band to 2GHz, with no gaps
- Receive, monitor and record up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time
- 14-bit ADC silicon technology for excellent dynamic range
- Multiple high-performance preselect filters minimize phantom signal problems
- Software selectable AM/FM & DAB broadcast band notch filters minimise intermodulation problems from strong interferers
- Multiple individual receivers in any 10MHz slice of spectrum
- Free use of Windows-based SDRuno software (check website for versions supported)
- Free use of SDRconnect SDR and server software for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Check website for versions supported)
- Multiplatform driver and API support including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 4/5
- Powers over the USB cable with a simple, robust type B socket
- Software selectable 4.7V Bias-T for powering an external remote antenna amplifier
- Calibrated S meter/ RF power and SNR measurement
- Compatible with many 3rd Party software digital decoders
- Documented API provided to allow demodulator or application development on multiple platforms
- Strong and growing software support network