The CHA F-LOOP 3.0 was designed with portability, ease of use simplicity, ruggedness and high performance in mind. Unlike any other similar antennas on the market, the CHA F-LOOP 3.0 is made with premium materials that are precisely manufactured and assembled in the USA!
Easily deployable HF magnetic loop antennas, also called small transmitting loops, have been routinely used for many years in military, diplomatic, and shipboard HF communication links, where robust and reliable general coverage radio communication is a necessity.
These antennas have only recently become commercially available for amateur radio. The real practical advantage of the small loop, compared to a short vertical whip tuned against earth or a full sized vertical antenna, is the loop’s freedom from dependence on a ground plane and earth for achieving efficient operation; this unique characteristic has profound significance for portable or restricted space antennas.
In comparison, the bottom of a vertically oriented loop does not need to be more than a loop diameter above ground, making it very easy to install in a restricted space location. There is no significant improvement in sky wave propagation performance when a small loop is installed high; all that matters is the loop is substantially clear of objects in the immediate area and oriented towards the desired direction of radiation.
Field trials of the CHA F-LOOP 3.0 demonstrated that an indoor magnetic loop antenna was only around one to two S-units lower, on both transmit and receive, than outdoor full size quarter wave vertical antenna. Remarkable for an antenna that is only less than three foot in diameter and covers 3.5 MHz to 29.7 MHz (80 – 10 meter ham bands)!
The magnetic loop is different from typical antennas because it emphasizes the magnetic part of the radio wave (H field) rather than the electric part (E field) of the radio wave. It also has a high Q resonance of around 17 KHz on 40 meters, providing immunity from interference outside the bandpass.
The CHA F-LOOP 3.0 Antenna was designed with weight, portability, versatility and cost in mind and is ideal for RV/camping, hotels, apartments, condominiums, homeowner’s associations, deed restrictions and CCRs (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions), Shortwave Listening (SWL) and other places where it is not feasible to erect a multi-band wire or vertical antenna.We’re sure you will be amazed by the performance and agree that the CHA F-LOOP 3.0 is the most advanced portable magnetic loop antenna available today.