The underside of the BY-1 has 3 female and male disconnect terminals for ground and each of the DIT and DAH connections. HF transceivers equipped with either a 3.5mm (1/8″) or 1/4″ KEY input jack can be hooked right up with the EZ-1 kit. The EZ-1 has a 3 wire cable with the correct female terminals on one end for the BY-1, on the other end a 3.5mm connector with a 1/4″ adapter included. No soldering required. Plug the terminals onto the bottom of the key, plug the other end into the KEY jack on your HF rig.
Bencher BY-1 Features:
- Set spring tensioning, no adjustments to make other than desired contact spacing
- Light touch for sending clean code
- Powder-coated cold rolled steel base
- Weight 3 lbs.
- Adjustment wrench held on under the base with tool holder