Introducing the next-generation Bad Elf Flex® Mini, a portable GNSS receiver set to revolutionize the geospatial industry. Mount the Mini on your phone, backpack, or monopod for one-handed use. Bluetooth connectivity provides a wireless connection to your phone or tablet. The free Bad Elf Flex app provides user-friendly checklist-based operations, ensuring a smooth experience for users of all skill levels.
Looking for sub-meter accuracy? Check out the Flex Mini Extreme configuration.
Positioning Engine
- GPS: L1CA, L5L1CA, L5
- BeiDou: B1i, B2aB1i, B2a
- Galileo: E1, E5aE1, E5a
Positioning Performance
- 1.5 horizontal, 3m vertical (CEP)
- Cold start time < 30 s typical (almanac and RTC)
- Warm start time < 30 s typical (almanac and RTC)
- Hot start time < 10 s (almanac, RTC, and position)
- Maximum speed 1,850 kph (999 kts)
- Maximum altitude 18,288 m (60,000 ft)
- Differential options SBAS, Autonomous SBAS
Reporting Rate
- Default: 1hz
- Logging and SDK apps: up to 10hz