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Recent Articles

The Great Canadian Treasure Hunt

Written by GPS Central Friday, July 2, 2021

GPS Central is testing your treasure hunting and metal detecting abilities with a Treasure Hunt taking place throughout Western Canada. Get outdoors with friends and family to follow clues and find some TREASURE! The Great Canadian Treasure Hunt starts on July 15th and will be going on until December 31st, so start searching to find items like the Garrett Ace Apex, the Minelab Vanquish 440, and many more! With clues coming soon!

46 tokens are hidden throughout BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Manitoba. All tokens have been buried in sand areas; so please dig responsibly, fill your holes and dispose of garbage found along the way. Each token is stamped with a number and one random prize is assigned to each token. To claim your prize comment a photo of you and the token under our Facebook post and like our Facebook page.

Please feel free to share and good luck!

Prize List:
– 1 Garrett Ace Apex Metal Detector
– 1 Minelab Vanquish 440...

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Canada’s Best Handheld GPS Navigation Systems

Written by GPS Central Monday, July 20, 2020
Posted in  Buying Guides

GARMIN ACCESSORIES GPS 18 | GPS 18x | 18 Deluxe | 18x 5Hz

Written by GPS Central Friday, October 4, 2019

Have a Garmin GPS 18, GPS 18x, GPS 18 Deluxe or GPS 18x 5Hz and need some accessories? We’ve got you covered! Browse our Garmin GPS 18 series accessories below.

Can’t find the accessory you’re looking for? Contact us.

Universal RAM Mounts

Build your own RAM mount to take your Garmin 18 series unit anywhere you go!




Posted in  Buying Guides

IPX Waterproof Specifications

Written by GPS Central Tuesday, September 6, 2016

IPX0: No special protection.

IPX1: Protected against falling water. 3-5mm rain/min for 10 minutes in normal operating position.

IPX2: Protected against falling water. 3-5mm rain/min for 10 minutes when tilted to 15 degrees in 4 fixed positions.

IPX3: Protected against spraying water. 60 degrees from vertical – pressure 80-100kN/m sq for 5 minutes.

IPX4: Protected against splashing water. All angles – pressure 80-100kN/m sq.

IPX5: Protected against water jets. All angles – pressure of 30kN/m sq – 3 minutes from a distance of 3 meters.

IPX6: Protected against heavy seas. All angles – pressure of 100kN/m sq – 3 minutes from a distance of 3 meters.

IPX7: Protected against water immersion. 30 minutes at a depth of one meter.

Posted in  General

What is WAAS?

Written by GPS Central Sunday, September 6, 2015

You’ve heard the term WAAS, seen it on packaging and ads for Garmin® products, and maybe even know it stands for Wide Area Augmentation System. Okay, so what the heck is it? Basically, it’s a system of satellites and ground stations that provide GPS signal corrections, giving you even better position accuracy. How much better? Try an average of up to five times better. A WAAS-capable receiver can give you a position accuracy of better than three meters 95 percent of the time. And you don’t have to purchase additional receiving equipment or pay service fees to utilize WAAS.

The origins of WAAS

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) are developing the WAAS program for use in precision flight approaches. Currently, GPS alone does not meet the FAA’s navigation requirements for accuracy, integrity, and availability. WAAS corrects for GPS signal errors caused by ionospheric disturbances, timing, and satellite orbit errors, and it provides vital integrity information regarding the health of each GPS satellite.

How it Works

WAAS consists of...

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