CLRmodule is ideal for mobile radio operation as noise reduction is superb due to the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) passing voice and CW sounds, while attenuating noise, such as atmospheric noise, hum, hiss, whistles, and static. It effectively removes heterodynes, ignition noise, lightning crashes and power line noise. The process is dynamic and changes with the interference and the signal, but the effect is rewarding. Mobile voice operation is more fun without all of the background noise. The DSP recognizes the intermittent nature of CW and allows it to pass noise free.
- Do-it-yourself DSP filtering
- Volume, Filter and Tone controls can be POTs or digital
- Simple Line in/Line out with no power amp
- Requires only regulated 3.3V for power
- Optional TTL Asynchronous serial control and monitoring
- PC utility to help with development
In the Box:
- CLRmodule ClearSpeech® DSP Noise Reduction Board
- CLRmodule Owner’s Manual